Wednesday, March 11, 2009

rough draft

Rough Draft
Is it an act of cowardice to go to war for the wrong reasons? Should other peoples thoughts effect your decision to go? Do others opinions matter that much to drive someone to war. To Tim o’Brian this was very much the reality. Tim’s idea of courage is to stand up for what he believes in. he was just a kid back then, a scholor that thought vietnam was unnecesary. Yet, he still was taken into the war and fought it all the way through.
Tim’s perception of courage is to stand up for something that he truly believes in. He did not belive in the vietnam war. He felt that it was pointless and was baffled as to why he was sent a draft notice. He thought that he was too good for the useless war, but he still went anyway.
Tim spent a week on the border of Canada to think about his choices of being exiled, or to go to war. On his last night on the river, he started to cry. He realized that if he didn’t go, people would call him a coward. It was other peoples influence that pushed him into the war. He sucumbed to peer pressure, despite not wanting to go at all.
This shows that going to war for Tim, was a cowardice decision. He went to vietnam for the wrong reasons. He had fought the war that he oppposed. A scholor that was put to war because he couldn’t handle the thought of friends and family looking down on him.
It is an act of cowardice to go to war for the wrong reasons. To go to war for reasons of the people around. The decision to go should be made and carefully thoughts and ideals, not the ones of others. In Tim o’Brians case, he was a coward for going to vietnam. He was a coward for fighting a uselsess war and risking his life to get the approval of his family and friends. He fought for all the wrong reasons and not for his own.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My First Match!

Today is my very first tennis match of the season! This is my first time playing tennis for Benicia High and I have shown great effort and discipline through practice to earn the #1 doubles spot with my senior partner Noel. Today we need to get a good lunch and hydrate all day, so thats why we are going to industrial park today to get some super burritos for $7! Big guys need big meals. But seriously, I'm so pumped up for today, I hope that it doesn't rain or else I'm going to be so mad. I've never played an actual tennis match in my life, nothing really as serious as this. But now I'm ready to dominate this 08-09 season of the tennis team and I plan to help take the gold home this year. I've set a lot of big expectations for this season and I plan to meet all of them. Also, the thing I like most about the tennis team, on away games we get to leave at 2:15! Please don't rain today! Please! I need to play today and I need to win. For some reason, I never felt like this during any of my other sports. I never been so juiced for a baseball game or a football game to be honest. Maybe because Tennis is the first sport that I ever started, I'm not 100% sure, but most likely that is the reason why. Man, I'm looking outside the window as I type and it's getting darker by the second. All I know for sure right now, is that I'm getting that super burrito today for lunch!