Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Violence in Video Games

This is a piece that has been running through my mind for a while, do Video Games actually influence children to commit violent acts? My opinion on this situation is a clear and complete no, in fact, I personally believe that video games actually release the stress out of someones day. Also it is up to everyone to keep check of their own actions. Some politicians such as Jack Thompson says otherwise, blaming the very popular First-Person Shooter (FPS) Doom, for the teenagers actions. I say that they had their choice to not do this and that Doom doesn't even become a factor in this situation. Way back in the early 90's there was a game that was released by Ed Boon that is known as Mortal Kombat. The premise of this game was to fight the other person until someone loses, but he added the addition of blood and the ability to use a "Fatality" to dismember or decapitate your opponent. Since this is the very first time that this kind of gameplay was ever released this became a big issue to the government, in addition they answered back with the ESRB, a rating system based on how old a player has to be to buy and play a certain type of game. This system shows parents whether their four-year old child should be playing Super Mario Bros or Grand theft Auto. When the parents see what type of game their kids are playing they wonder why it is so gruesome, but when they bought the game they didn't actually take a look at the rating on the box whether it should be rated M for Mature, T for Teen, or E for Everyone. More incidents have been uncovered making politicians such as Hilary Clinton become not too big a fan of Games. In a court of law, a defendant was asked to say anything about what he had done, he simply responded, "Life is a Game." And with that everyone started attacking the gaming industry, one of Hilary Clinton's plans for games was to stop the production of Mature rated games. My theory is even if you find a place to put the blame on, that doesn't mean that you have stopped the problem. I mean no one would let their little five-year old read a Stephen King book, if the parents are that smart then they should know to not let that kid play anything over a E rating. In the Columbine incident and the Court case I believe that these people had troubled backgrounds. Look what happened in the John Lennon assassination, a man read The Catcher In the Rye, a man that assissinated John because the character in the book hated "Phonies" and that killer believed that John was a "Phonie." How come no one has bothered with banning books? It is very simple, because books and video games do not influence people to kill or hurt others. If you think about it, America is a very violent nation, just turn on the t.v. and watch CSI or go to the movies and watch James Bond. The U.S. is full of violent things but that doesn't mean that we are all going to kill eachother. Some of these important people blame games that they have never seen, or touched beyond what their rescources have told them, as they say,"never judge a book by it's cover." that's exactly what they are doing, they have never emersed themselves in the games and discovered that the gameplay allows the game to bring out the plot. But I still do not believe that videogames bring out the worst acts of crime.

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