Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's the end of the Year!

I can't believe that we've come this far, it's been a whole school year and it only felt as if a month had passed. I still remember the first days we spent in Nelson's class, playing all these games to get everyone acquainted. I remember posting my first blog in this class. It's amazing how fast we reached the end of the year. Now I'm going to be a senior next year, one more level until I step off into the real world. One year until I start college and find out what I'm really going to be and if I'm going to make it. All my friends that I've made and all the memories we had shared, this is the last year that we can make memories. It's been a short time thinking about everything you've done in school. I still remember freshmen year, my friend and I walking around campus at lunch because we didn't know anyone. It's wierd how we came from that to now, it makes me wonder how I'm going to reminisce when I get out of college. I guess theres no telling the exact future, but you can always remember the past.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

rough draft

Rough Draft
Is it an act of cowardice to go to war for the wrong reasons? Should other peoples thoughts effect your decision to go? Do others opinions matter that much to drive someone to war. To Tim o’Brian this was very much the reality. Tim’s idea of courage is to stand up for what he believes in. he was just a kid back then, a scholor that thought vietnam was unnecesary. Yet, he still was taken into the war and fought it all the way through.
Tim’s perception of courage is to stand up for something that he truly believes in. He did not belive in the vietnam war. He felt that it was pointless and was baffled as to why he was sent a draft notice. He thought that he was too good for the useless war, but he still went anyway.
Tim spent a week on the border of Canada to think about his choices of being exiled, or to go to war. On his last night on the river, he started to cry. He realized that if he didn’t go, people would call him a coward. It was other peoples influence that pushed him into the war. He sucumbed to peer pressure, despite not wanting to go at all.
This shows that going to war for Tim, was a cowardice decision. He went to vietnam for the wrong reasons. He had fought the war that he oppposed. A scholor that was put to war because he couldn’t handle the thought of friends and family looking down on him.
It is an act of cowardice to go to war for the wrong reasons. To go to war for reasons of the people around. The decision to go should be made and carefully thoughts and ideals, not the ones of others. In Tim o’Brians case, he was a coward for going to vietnam. He was a coward for fighting a uselsess war and risking his life to get the approval of his family and friends. He fought for all the wrong reasons and not for his own.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My First Match!

Today is my very first tennis match of the season! This is my first time playing tennis for Benicia High and I have shown great effort and discipline through practice to earn the #1 doubles spot with my senior partner Noel. Today we need to get a good lunch and hydrate all day, so thats why we are going to industrial park today to get some super burritos for $7! Big guys need big meals. But seriously, I'm so pumped up for today, I hope that it doesn't rain or else I'm going to be so mad. I've never played an actual tennis match in my life, nothing really as serious as this. But now I'm ready to dominate this 08-09 season of the tennis team and I plan to help take the gold home this year. I've set a lot of big expectations for this season and I plan to meet all of them. Also, the thing I like most about the tennis team, on away games we get to leave at 2:15! Please don't rain today! Please! I need to play today and I need to win. For some reason, I never felt like this during any of my other sports. I never been so juiced for a baseball game or a football game to be honest. Maybe because Tennis is the first sport that I ever started, I'm not 100% sure, but most likely that is the reason why. Man, I'm looking outside the window as I type and it's getting darker by the second. All I know for sure right now, is that I'm getting that super burrito today for lunch!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


15 hours, and 43 minutes left until KILLZONE 2 comes out. There will be a midnight release tonight at GameStop, but unfortunately I can't go because it's a school night. That's why I really hope that it rains tomorrow so that we can cancel tennis practice and I can get to GameStop right after school. It's so weird, the feeling you get when you get so close to something you want. Something you've been waiting for for many months, when you finally get it, it's almost like you have nothing to look for anymore because you have it. Oh well, that's the good part though, I could finally stop wasting time on the computer looking for gameplay videos of KILLZONE 2 and actually play the game. Man, I've been playing the demo nonstop eversince I downloaded it, so I'm used to aiming the gun and how much recoil the 2 guns that they let you use have. I'm going to try and blast through the campiagn mode the rest of the friday I have so I could get online and take down some noobs! Hopefully the campaign isn't that long because I'm ready to take out anyone in my way in the huge online multiplayer matches. Online you can create CLANS, where you can enlist a group of people you have played with or your friends and add them to your group with your own group name. Once you've established a clan you can challenge other clans for ranks and even bet on the outcome of the match. I want to recruit the best so I won't have to worry about how many times my teammates are dying or how many people that I have to heal. Man, I still can't believe that it gets put on store shelves tomorrow! I've waited so long, it almost feels like christmas all over again. And I have all weekend to beat people down and think about who of my friends are good enough to join my clan. Yet, I still need to think of a clan name. How about, "Hardcore7." I'm not sure yet but if you have any ideas you can pitch'em to me through your comments. I'm so extatic about this game, I can't wait until tomorrow! I hope my grades don't start dropping though.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

March 13th, Another great Game

Another great game comes out on March 13th, 2009. This is said to be the biggest year of gaming yet and so far they ain't lying. 1st we kick off the new year with KILLZONE 2, F.E.A.R. 2, Street Fighter 4, and now we are being bombarded with another one, Resident Evil 5. I haven't been noticing, but I think that game devolopers believe that we are rich. I hope not, because their sales will start to go down releasing a big game right after another big game hits store shelves. I'm a huge gamer and I plan out what games I'm going to buy and how much time and money I'll have to save up to get it, but this is crazy releasing it the week after Killzone 2, something that all the PS3 fanboys will be all over for more than a simple week. Anyway, enough rambling about release dates, let's talk about the actual game itself. Resident Evil 5 is about returning fan favorite Chris Redfield being sent to Africa to investigate what is happening to the villagers. They've become violent, nothing but blank stares and ominous movements. Chris, being partnered up with a new character from the Resident Evil franchise, Sheva Alomar, they get down to the bottom of what horrible things are being done in Africa. If you don't know what Resident Evil is, (you've probably heard the title from a movie that was not very good) it originated as a survivol horror game produced by Capcom originally titled BioHazard. The original games were full of intense, heart pounding moments that will definately scare you and your friends at 3 in the morning with all the lights off. Then, sometime in 2004, Capcom broke off the old tradition of their very famous gameplay for a new way to play the series and came out with Resident Evil 4 which starred Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 2. This game featured an over the shoulder camera and points on the body that if you shoot, the person would react. Resident Evil 4 was pronounced game of the year for its intense and refreshingly new direction. This time they're bringing that formula back, and now you can play with a partner! Chris and Sheva will have to be smart and work together to fend off the oncoming villagers that seem to be infected like the Las Plagas victims from the Kennedy report. I've played the demo with my friend and we're both very pleased on how well the game plays and how good it looks. This is definately the biggest year in gaming ever, probably after I get Resident Evil 5, I'll be righting another blog about another new game of 2009.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Febuary 27th, it's like Christmas all over again!

Man I really can't wait for Febuary 27th, because thats the day that the game I've been waiting all year for is coming out! I'm talking about Guerilla Studios Killzone 2. It is a FPS (First Person Shooter) that takes place in a fictional world of Helghan, home to the helghast, these people that wear all black army gear and have face masks with glowing red eyes. This IS the biggest game that is coming out for the PS3, since its highly rendered and highly controversal release trailer in 06's E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo) showing a beautifully rendered trailer that claimed that those were the actually graphics and gameplay in the upcoming game. Now that they actually released the demo, it is looking really close to that trailer. I've downloaded the demo and played the game and now I have two words for EVERYONE, HALO KILLER! Yeah I said it. The gameplay is fast paced, the graphics are beautiful, and the way the bullets sink into the enemy's body are just too satisfying that it should be illegal. Guerilla has created a new engine called Hit Response. Basically, they made over 1000 motion captured deaths, and mixed a lot of points on the body that if were shot, opened up a motion capture. It is possible to combine at least 3 motion captures with different hit points resulting in numerous satisfying deaths that you will never see twice. This game has a great physics engine also, the way that the environment reacts to buckets of bullets is amazing due to the fact that the frame rate of the game never slows down. They have got the physics down so good that if you shoot a propane tank once, it will spew out gas and roll around randomly and then explode. If you've never seen it, it's a marvel to look at. For PROOF of these physics and Hit Responses, look up on YOUTUBE.COM Ballet Of Bullets. It's a hit response and physics trailer that shows how well and how hard they worked on the game. It's one of the biggest and must buy games of 2009, its a must buy for any owner of the PS3, and I have a feeling that PS3's are going to start selling like hot cakes covered in crack. This is the big one! Is everyone ready? Cuz on Febuary 27th, its GAME ON! See you on 150 Player online multi-player!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII

One of the Biggest games of the year. A game where you buy groceries and all the stuff you need to throw a huge party. Yes, I'm talking about the Super Bowl, Super Bowl XLIII to be exact. This years game was the Pittsburgh Steelers VS. the Arizona Cardinals. But, if you think this will be a story about how I spent my Super Bowl Sunday at a friends house and had a fun and loud time then you're wrong. I actually had to stay home during the Super Bowl to work on 2 projects that were due the day after. So while everyone from my family went to their friends or our cousin's house to get free food and watch the game, I was sitting alone in the living room watching the game in an empty, silent home and doing a poster board and typing up a paper. I know, thats a really boring way to spend your sunday especially when the Super Bowl is on. Oh well, I'd rather do work and watch the game by myself than sacrifice my grades for food and entertainment. But other than that, the game was really good. There was an amazing interception that was ran back from endzone to endzone from one of the steelers. And there was a very controversial touchdown, again from the Steelers where Santonio Holmes had brushed his two feet into the endzone before falling out. Personally i thought it was good, other people not as much. In the end the Steelers claim another glorious year, but it was a good fight from the Cardinals. I really wanted the Cardinals to win just because they're the underdogs, but everyone knew that the Steelers would take it. Oh well, maybe next year.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Violence in Video Games

This is a piece that has been running through my mind for a while, do Video Games actually influence children to commit violent acts? My opinion on this situation is a clear and complete no, in fact, I personally believe that video games actually release the stress out of someones day. Also it is up to everyone to keep check of their own actions. Some politicians such as Jack Thompson says otherwise, blaming the very popular First-Person Shooter (FPS) Doom, for the teenagers actions. I say that they had their choice to not do this and that Doom doesn't even become a factor in this situation. Way back in the early 90's there was a game that was released by Ed Boon that is known as Mortal Kombat. The premise of this game was to fight the other person until someone loses, but he added the addition of blood and the ability to use a "Fatality" to dismember or decapitate your opponent. Since this is the very first time that this kind of gameplay was ever released this became a big issue to the government, in addition they answered back with the ESRB, a rating system based on how old a player has to be to buy and play a certain type of game. This system shows parents whether their four-year old child should be playing Super Mario Bros or Grand theft Auto. When the parents see what type of game their kids are playing they wonder why it is so gruesome, but when they bought the game they didn't actually take a look at the rating on the box whether it should be rated M for Mature, T for Teen, or E for Everyone. More incidents have been uncovered making politicians such as Hilary Clinton become not too big a fan of Games. In a court of law, a defendant was asked to say anything about what he had done, he simply responded, "Life is a Game." And with that everyone started attacking the gaming industry, one of Hilary Clinton's plans for games was to stop the production of Mature rated games. My theory is even if you find a place to put the blame on, that doesn't mean that you have stopped the problem. I mean no one would let their little five-year old read a Stephen King book, if the parents are that smart then they should know to not let that kid play anything over a E rating. In the Columbine incident and the Court case I believe that these people had troubled backgrounds. Look what happened in the John Lennon assassination, a man read The Catcher In the Rye, a man that assissinated John because the character in the book hated "Phonies" and that killer believed that John was a "Phonie." How come no one has bothered with banning books? It is very simple, because books and video games do not influence people to kill or hurt others. If you think about it, America is a very violent nation, just turn on the t.v. and watch CSI or go to the movies and watch James Bond. The U.S. is full of violent things but that doesn't mean that we are all going to kill eachother. Some of these important people blame games that they have never seen, or touched beyond what their rescources have told them, as they say,"never judge a book by it's cover." that's exactly what they are doing, they have never emersed themselves in the games and discovered that the gameplay allows the game to bring out the plot. But I still do not believe that videogames bring out the worst acts of crime.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Music is Magic

Music is something that everyone knows about. You will never come across someone who hasn't listened to anysong in their life. Music can brighten up your day, it can help comfort you through bad times, or it can just help you have fun. Music has a wide variety, from a soft flow of a slow jam, to a crazy beat from a hip hop song, to a gut wrenching guitar solo from a rock band. Music is for everyone, no matter what type of mood they're in. Back then music was an art of storytelling, although some songs still achieve this, other songs are there for other reasons. If you are sad you could put a slow song on, or if you're mad then you could put on a rock song. Anything along those lines, there will always be a song that matches your situation. Personally, I like listening to mostly every kind of music except country, for some reason I can't get into it. But when I get into a fight with my girl I put on Mad by ne-yo. Or when I'm ready to fight or workout I put on any lil jon song. If I feel like rockin out then I put on some Red Hot Chili Peppers or Papa Roach. If I feel nostalgic then I put on some Warren G or 2pac or B.I.G. Music is a magical thing, it can help you through the day and make your day even better, help you get through a loss, bring joy through an occasion, or just relax you, music is really a magical thing.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Passion For Games

I love video games, they are a huge part of my life. It all started since i could remember, around the age of three or four, i was playing super mario world with my siblings. Right then and there, I knew i wanted to create my own video games. Whatever mood I am in, wherever I am, I always think about the great games that I have played and the games that i want to play. My passion for games is so strong that if anything happened than I could always fall back on them. You know how when people have a bad day and they sit down and eat a tub of ice cream, well thats what happens with me and video games, they are my comfort. When I go to college, I am trying to major

in video games. First, I'll start off small and become a game tester, get some ideas from these new games coming out, then try to create a game and present it to a game company, probably EA Games or Namco Bandai. Video games have always been there for me, and I will always be there to play video games, until it is my game over.